Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm Taking A Bite Out Of The Big Apple!

Ok...I know it is a bit passée, but the Big Apple is an ever-changing city and needs constant reviewing from ordinary people who just want to have fun. So who better to do this than my good self...I mean someone has to do it.

Here's my list so far.

  • The do's and don't's in US airports 
  • How to remain calm and composed after the big trip across the Pacific
  • Mid Town accommodation, decently priced. We can't be staying in Queens for goodness sakes...way too far! 
  • Boutique art galleries that are hidden away, with some old Andy Warhol's stashed in the back room
  • Yummy healthy food with serves that don't fall off the side of your plate
  • Shopping of course...goes without saying

Anything else you think I need to be doing? 

Of course I will be taking my Plane Jane Travel Pack and DVT Sox in a Box!

I will report back when I get a chance. I will be very busy you know!

Bon Voyage!
Felicity and Plane Jane

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Transferred to another Gate Lounge.

Dear World Travellers,
I no longer post my blogs on this site, instead I do them on my Hunting and Gathering Travel stories site at
Felicity Hutchison, Travel Hunter and Gatherer
If I get techie enough, I will work out how to post them here too, but until then, tune in and learn the secrets of a great trip away.
Felicity alias Plane Jane